Why Should You Participate - Rubber Industry Fair


Standing as the only fair of its industry in the Eurasia and bringing together all stakeholders of the rubber industry under one roof, Rubber Eurasia Fair provides its exhibitors with the opportunity to establish new business cooperations with industry professionals from around the world. In addition to laying the foundations of new business partnerships, the fair enables the exhibitors to find the opportunity to meet their current business partners and evaluate the industry. The latest products in the rubber industry are showcased at the fair where new business ideas and up-to-date developments about the industry are shared. Fair exhibitors get the opportunity to not only increase brand recognition, but also strengthen their company image in both Türkiye and foreign countries.


The 11th Rubber Technologies, Rubber Products and Raw Materials Fair that brought together 5,486 industry professionals from 55 countries with fair exhibitors hosted professional visitors from 6 continents. Offering a great opportunity to its exhibitors to become an active player in in both national and international market, Rubber Eurasia Fair adds new achievements to its existing ones with every year of its organization. Held with the participation of 176 companies and company representatives from both national and international arenas, the fair is preparing to gather industry professional under the same roof once again in 2026.


Opportuniyt to Increase Brand Recognition

When you participate as an exhibitor in Rubber Eurasia Fair, the choice of leading brands in the rubber industry, you can increase your brand's visibility and strengthen your brand identity. Direct communication with national and international visitors helps you introduce your brand and also increase your recognition among the companies within the industry. Developing connections at the fair allows you to establish a new business network, thus carry your brand to the next level.

Opportunity to Strengthen Current Cooperations and Establish New Business Connections

Rubber Eurasia Fair offers you the chance to personally meet your current customers and strengthen your business connections. With the fair that gathers industry professionals under one roof, you can strengthen your current business connections, while bringing new customers to your company by meeting new companies.

Opportunity to Expand Your Customer Portfolio

You can expand your customer portfolio by meeting professional customers who are directly effective in the making of purchase decisions. Giving the opportunity to promote your products and services on a global scale by establishing relationships with the key players of the industry arriving from various regions to attend and visit the fair could facilitate increasing your competitive power in not only local markets, but also global ones.

Chance to Attain Competitive Advantage

You can get the chance to have direct access to your target audience by introducing your latest products and services on the same platform as your competitors and be one step ahead of them. You may create a difference in your business by feeling the pulse of the market and following the trends.

Opportunity to Create a Global Network

Meeting professionals from 6 continents at the 12th Rubber Technologies, Rubber Products and Raw Materials Fair, bringing together qualified visitors from all around the world, can provide you with the opportunity to take a giant step towards becoming an active player in the international arena.