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No.1 Muhong Road, Wujiatang, Shaowu, Fujian 354003 / / / CHINA
Contact Info: +86 599 630 26
Hall: 11
Stand: 1142E
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Fujian Yonghong New Materials Co., Ltd. is a private high technology company specializing in the research, development, production and sales of specialty fluoro organic materials including perfluorinated rubber (FFKM), perfluoropolyether (PFPE), and fluorosilicone rubber (FVMQ). Yonghong was established in Oct 2012. Its register capital is RMB 40 million now. Its headquarter and production base is located in Shaowu Jintang Industry Zone, Fujian, a provincial chemical industry park. Yonghong owns a land of 68,601 square meters and has over 100 employees. The team of Yonghong has an outstanding research and development capabilities for specialty fluorinated polymers and chemicals. Our capacities and sales of FFKM, PFPE, and FVMQ are leading in China. We also export our products to many other countries including France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, and India. Yonghong s quality management system is certified to ISO 9001. And its occupational health and safety management system is certified to ISO 45001. Yonghong is looking forward to becoming a leading supplier of specialty fluoro materials in the global market. We will try our best to satisfy the demand of our customers with our leading technology and excellent service so that we can build a greener and brighter future together.
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